I’m taking a workshop today on “How to be more like a duck”. This workshop should help prepare me for future art shows where rain is expected....or not expected, but you get rained on anyhow.
I will be learning how to stay afloat in different water conditions, including a special breakout session on Street Floating...not taught in most water safety classes. I’ll also be learning how to let water roll off your back, different paddling techniques, and most importantly....how to remain calm in wet conditions.
There is a bonus session on how to survive on bugs and worms if you can’t make it out of your tent at lunchtime to grab something from a food vendor because it’s raining too hard. I think I’ll skip this session, but it’s good to know it’s available should I ever decide to take it.
Today’s workshop is being taught by Lawnmower Momma ( who I relocated a couple weeks ago because she built her nest on my mower). Two of her kids are helping give instruction and demos for the workshop, they are already water experts. I have much to learn. Big improvement for myself over last years Washington Art Fair where I got soaked securing my tent and art, lost my glasses that floated down the road...luckily found them the next day hung up on someone else’s tent pole...also fried my phone that got drenched in my pocket.
This year when the rains hit at several different times, I was better able to protect my art and secure my tent...having a decent tent makes a world of difference...Thank you Bari! 💕 But now it’s time for my advanced “How to be like a duck” training. I must waddle along. Have a good day.
I will be learning how to stay afloat in different water conditions, including a special breakout session on Street Floating...not taught in most water safety classes. I’ll also be learning how to let water roll off your back, different paddling techniques, and most importantly....how to remain calm in wet conditions.
There is a bonus session on how to survive on bugs and worms if you can’t make it out of your tent at lunchtime to grab something from a food vendor because it’s raining too hard. I think I’ll skip this session, but it’s good to know it’s available should I ever decide to take it.
Today’s workshop is being taught by Lawnmower Momma ( who I relocated a couple weeks ago because she built her nest on my mower). Two of her kids are helping give instruction and demos for the workshop, they are already water experts. I have much to learn. Big improvement for myself over last years Washington Art Fair where I got soaked securing my tent and art, lost my glasses that floated down the road...luckily found them the next day hung up on someone else’s tent pole...also fried my phone that got drenched in my pocket.
This year when the rains hit at several different times, I was better able to protect my art and secure my tent...having a decent tent makes a world of difference...Thank you Bari! 💕 But now it’s time for my advanced “How to be like a duck” training. I must waddle along. Have a good day.