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- Limited Editions - Wall Art - Kim Carr Photography
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- Tic Tac Toe - Alpacas - Wall Art - Limited Edition - Kim Carr Photography
Tic Tac Toe - Alpacas - Wall Art - Limited Edition - Kim Carr Photography
Title: Tic Tac Toe
Animal Name: Dorothy, The Wizard, & Fiberlicious
Animal Type:
Breed: Alpaca
Endangered Status: Safe
Country of Origin: South America
Farm Name: Northern Prairie Alpacas
Farmer: Deb Wellinghoff
Farm Location: Sullivan, MO
Camera: Canon Rebel
This image is part of my Heritage Breed Photo Project. I am visiting small Missouri Farmers who have rare breeds of livestock and poultry. Many of these animals are in danger of extinction. It is my goal to raise awareness through my photos for the small farmers and the animals in need. A portion of my proceeds are donated to the Livestock Conservancy to aide in the education, breeding programs, research, and other programs to help prevent the extinction of rare breeds of farm animals. You can learn more about my Heritage Breed Photo Project by visiting www.patreon.com/kimcarr
Alpacas are safe and plentiful, but this was not always the case. They faced extinction hundred of years ago when the Spanish Conquistadors invaded the Andes mountains nearly 98% of the alpaca population was wiped out due to war and disease. Had the natives not fled high into the mountains, alpacas would be extinct today. I use the alpaca as a shining example that animals can be saved from the verge of extinction.
The Livestock Conservancy ranks the endangered status as...Critical, Threatened, Watch, Recovering, and Safe.
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