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- The Boys - Alpacas - Limited Edition - Wall Art - Kim Carr Photography
The Boys - Alpacas - Limited Edition - Wall Art - Kim Carr Photography
Title: The Boys
Animal Name: Kibo, Chico, Rainman, Einstein, and Hollywood
Animal Type: Suri and Huacaya
Breed: Alpaca
Endangered Status: Safe
Country of Origin: South America - Peru
Farm Name: Northern Prairie Alpacas
Farmer: Deb Wellinghoff
Farm Location: Sullivan, MO
Camera: Apple Iphone XS
The Livestock Conservancy ranks the endangered status as...Critical, Threatened, Watch, Recovering, and Safe. Alpacas were nearly wiped out according to Wikipedia but their numbers are now safe. I use the alpacas in my photo series to show that animals can be saved and their fate does not need to be one of extinction.
Population notes from Wikipedia: The population declined drastically after the Spanish Conquistadors invaded the Andes Mountains in 1532, after which 98% of the animals were destroyed. The Spanish also brought with them diseases that were fatal to alpacas.
It always excites me to see an animal recover. Another farm animal I have photographed who's numbers have recovered well enough to remove them from the endangered list, is the Scottish Highland Cow. Check out my cow images to find more farm animals that have been saved from extinction.
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